This feathered familiar needs a name! Can you help?

Amorette Anderson

I’m excited to share that I’m working on a new series! Like most of the books I’ve written, these will be paranormal cozies. What will make this series unique, I hope, is that it’s going to feature identical twin sisters who sleuth together. 

These sisters come from a line of witches,  but they’ve rejected the practice of magic as antiquated folklore, nothing but old tales and impractical, wishful thinking. 

One sister, Belinda,  always has her nose in a book and loves to ponder math and science. The other, Maginty (everyone knows her as Maggy), is a go-getter type who runs a successful baked goods business. When the series starts they’ve recently turned forty. 

It's a magical age, apparently, because strange and witchy things begin to happen. One of these things is that a particularly thoughtful and friendly crow starts to hang around.

crow on a rock
Photo by Jesse van Vliet on Unsplash

If you're a fan of paranormal cozies, bet you can guess where I'm going with this! The twins share a familiar... and he’s a crow. The relationship isn’t easy, mostly because neither sister is interested in being a witch. Why bother having a familiar, if you’re not a witch? 

Belinda is too busy reading books on theoretical physics to bother communicating with the silly crow that hops around on her windowsill. Maggy doesn't want people to spot her conversing with a bird while she's out on her muffin delivery routes.

What’s a poor feathered familiar to do? Our crow friend does not take the twin’s dismissive behavior personally. He adores Belinda and Maggy, and helps them out whenever he can. He doesn’t mind flying between their houses to check up on one, and then the other. He’s happy to sleep in trees outside at night and trail after the sisters during the day, though he does ask on occasion if Maggy might make a home for him in her spacious, mostly empty apartment.

This crow is intelligent, loves collecting shiny pieces of trash (plus the occasional clue), has impeccable manners, and most importantly of all... he has a big heart. He’s also always willing to try his best to help out. 

Now -- this is where you come in! What do you think I should name him? If I go with the name you suggest, you’ll get to see the name you thought up on the page every time this feathered familiar enters the scene. Wouldn’t that be fun? I can’t wait to see your suggestions! 

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